Several investors have supported Microfinance Solidaire SAS since its creation. These are:

  • legal persons, from the solidarity finance landscape in France, and
  • natural persons, for almost a third of the capital. Nearly 180 individuals make up the shareholding of Microfinance Solidaire SAS to date, and this number will increase thanks to campaigns conducted in partnership with LITA.co, a crowdfunding site that allows individuals to invest in sustainable businesses.

Microfinance Solidaire SAS counts among its shareholders:

and its lenders:


  • Legal form: Simplified Joint Stock Company N° SIRET 994 223 101 00013 RCS of Poitiers
  • Creation date: July 2010
  • Capital : 3 519 436 €  

Entreprise solidaire d'utilité sociale (ESUS) issued by the Regional Directorate of Enterprises, Competition, Consumption, Labour and Employment DIRECCTE

The Finansol Label guarantees the solidarity and transparency of labelled savings products: the solidarity microfinance shares.

The capital invested is not guaranteed.

Find Microfinance Solidaire SAS on www.financerlasolidariteinternationale.org